In this section you will find information about our school events. You can access past copies of the newsletter, and read the latest news stories.
Parent/Teacher interviews will be held on Tuesday of the last week of Terms 1 and 3. Interviews can be booked from the Tuesday prior to meetings.
To book an interview please go to the following link: 'pto' and complete the parent registration. Please use Registration Code 0356. If accessing PTO from the PTO App on your mobile or tablet, please use School Code: nan52. Alternately you can contact the ladies in the office who will make a booking for you.
Mabel Park State School now has a Facebook page. You can find out all the latest news and events as well catch up on the fortnightly newsletter. Please go to
You can now place lunch orders from your iPhone, iPad or mobile device! It is a simple and convenient 24/7 payment and ordering system that can be accessed from home, work or a mobile device. Registration is free and only takes a few moments.
Go to:
Enter your email
You will be emailed a link to an online form-follow the link
Choose a username and password and complete the form
Add each student and their class
Top-up the account with your VISA or Mastercard
For help please call Flexischools on 1300 361 769.